Friday, December 11, 2009

Beacon of Light and You

          First of all, this whole post must be read in a 50's informational-health class voice.  Ready? GO!  Beacon of Light is the Paladin's strongest and most versatile tool when it comes to healing.   Although the spell has a sizeable upfront mana cost, it pays for itself quickly.  To a new healer this spell can be a little confusing, so let's break it down.  Blessing of Light basically mirrors any heal you cast within range of its target onto that target.  This now includes overhealing and critical heals.  The spell has a 1 minute duration, but with Glyph of Beacon of Light that is increased to 1:30.  It gives you a free heal essentially for 0 mana cost and allows a Paladin, usually regarded as a "single target" healer to cover a group.  Let's look at three general scenarios where this is used most effectively

Scenario Number 1:  I am healing a 5-man with significant group damage or AoE.  Good examples include The Black Knight in Trial of The Champion and some of the trash in the new Icecrown 5 mans.  "But without any AoE spells Paladins are useless!!!!!!!11one" you say, "Nay" I respond.  Placing BoL on the tank allows the healer to use Flash of Light around the group to quickly get them back up and at the same time, all of those heals go onto the tank keeping them alive through the boss damage.

Scenario Number 2:  I am healing a 10 or 25 man raid where the tanks are constantly switching roles to take damage or splitting up to tank adds and boss.  Good examples include The Northrend Beasts in Trial of the Crusader, Koralon the Flame Watcher in Vault of Archavon, and basically every other raid boss ever in the history of ever.  In these situations you should NEVER be the raid healer, always a tank healer.  If your Raid Leader puts you on raid healing GTFO now.  Anyway you should be assigned to one of the two or three tanks.  Put BoL on the other tank and make that healer's job just a little bit easier.  Also make sure you have Sacred Shield on the tank you are healing to get that free Flash of Light proc as well.  You'll start saving mana left and right.

Scenario Letter C (for all you perfectionists):  I am PvPing all over the place and keep getting targeted by rogues and hunters that have a brain larger than a pea.  They have somehow figured out that NO ONE WILL DIE UNDER MY WATCH!!!  *ahem*  There is an easy solution to this that will keep them attacking you and keep you alive until your friendly neighborhood DPS can get them.  Place BoL on yourself and just heal as usual.  It will definitely keep you alive and throw them off at the same time.  Also don't forget to throw Sacred Shield on another target taking heavy damage to get the FoL proc off them.

          So that's all I got about Beacon.  It's probably one of the more unique and useful healing spells and definitely what makes Paladins unique.  Check back later for some more specific strategies in the new Icecrown 5-mans.

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